Sunday, August 22, 2004


they say that good things come to those who wait
in patience but in vain, no matter how long, no matter how far
---FED UP by Suspicious Character

Only my eyes can see
the fire inside
wanting to explode

lips aching
souls shaking

such a mad desire
only you can grasp...

this is what it feels like
to be hungry...
that everything else becomes a blur
and nothing else matters

take me now
before i become wasted;
consumed by nothingness

this hunger is torture
the waiting must be over
before i become a dying ember

and yet i don't know how long i must wait..
should i let go or should i hold on? is it worth it in the end?
tell me the answers before i die in my sleep tonight...



Bistro Boss said...

Somtimes I don't believe in the cliche "good things come to those who wait", but sometimes I do. I guess I'll have to keep on waiting for me to find out, eh?! Hehehe. ;)

frostbite said...

i can't answer the question for you girl, coz ive been asking the same question myself... good luck sa 'tin ;)