Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Why do you BLOG?!

What is it about blogging that makes it so popular? My blog is about 3-4 years old already but for the past two years, I have sort of "forgotten" it. I'm blogging now because I find myself doing nothing but read Brian Gorell and Kitty Go's blogs. I love both their writing styles--an eclectic mixture of wit, sarcasm, humor, and yes, grace.

When I started reading blogs again, it reminded me of my own reasons for blogging. I blogged simply because I loved writing about my experiences and other people's experiences. The blog is an avenue and an opportunity for people who simply love writing.

Two months ago, I was asked to edit/re-write an English script for an Argentinian television series. I had such a hard time writing it since I had to make the lines in synch with the scenes. I heard the directors and dubbers had a hard time with the script I made so that was the end of my career as a dubbing writer. I felt so bad for them since they stayed up all night editing the script that was supposedly edited already. (Although, they said the grammar bit of the script was fantastic...) After that, I told myself I'm sticking with blogging.

Bloggers have the freedom to write whatever they want to write about, bash whoever they want to, or destroy evil men and women who think they are better than other people just because they call themselves elite.

What about you, why do you blog?

A blog (an abridgment of the term web log) is a website, usually maintained by an individual, with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Here are some popular blogging terms from WIKIPEDIA (again...what will the internet be without wiki huh?!) that are absolutely entertaining to know...

Blaudience --The audience, or readership, of a blog

Bloggerazzi- Blogs written by blogger stalkers (a portmanteau of "blog" and "paparazzi)". (is this true? are bloggerazzis out there?!? Can someone point me to the blogs of blogger stalkers please?)

Blooger --A blogger who exhibits adolescent tendencies and lacks basic social graces or good manners. A portmanteau of "blog" and "booger."

Blogorrhea--A portmanteau of "blog" and "logorrhea", meaning excessive and/or incoherent talkativeness in a weblog. (sounds like diarrhea..)

Blogsnob--A person who refuses to respond to comments on their blog from people outside their circle of friends. (Don't be a blogsnob!)

PENUS--Potentially Exciting News Under Scrutiny. Use this when you have something big that you can't wait to show to the blogosphere. (I think Brian Gorrell of http://delfindjmontano.blogpot.com and Kitty Go of http://chichitsthefan.blogspot.com have done successfully well in announcing their penuses to the blogosphere.)

Friday, February 01, 2008

Writing Again

I haven't posted anything in almost two years and the reason for this was because in my current office, blogspot is banned (at least from my station). However, as I am writing this, I am using the department's only super computer and I tried my blogspot account and it went through!

So here I am writing again...and I really missed doing this. Since I've been very busy for the past two years building a career, I totally forgot how writing can help ease stress. For me, writing even the most mundane experiences can help and I don't know why I haven't been able to update this blog for so long. So now I'm back...